Graphics and other cool things!
Internet Archive - A huge library of anything and everything. Books, movies, magazines, games, and more. It is also home of The Wayback Machine!
GifCities - An archive of gifs from around the web by the Internet Archive. Search gifs from all across archived webpages. Some gifs even link directly to the website they came from. I like to use this to not only find gifs, but to also browse the web archives.
Marginalia Search - A different way to search the web. A DIY search engine that shifts focus from commercial websites, to smaller/indie sites.
The Geocities Gallery - An archive of old Geocities pages, sorted into their respective neighbourhoods. It's a fun rabbit hole to go down.
The Fanlistings Network - Browse tons of fanlistings to join, sorted into all kinds of categories.
Fun and Fan Sites
Halloween Radio - Listen to Halloween music for free, year round, with 5 different options for listening.
BUCK-TICK Zone - A fansite for the band BUCK-TICK. Features an archive of all things BUCK-TICK related including lyrics, old web icons, rare music, info on the band and it's members, and so much more. Plus, it's still active!
Hellsing Website - An archive of the official website for the original Hellsing anime!
Puzzle - use any image on your device and make it into a puzzle for free. Play by yourself or with your friends!
Frantic Fanfic - A fun game my friends and I play often. You write fanfiction together, it's kinda like Gartic Phone.
GuessThe.Game - Like Wordle, but with video games. Guess based on screenshots. There is a whole archive of past days to play.