Graphics and other cool things!



I am a Togetic! Pearl What Type Of Humor Do You Have? Who Is Your Hellsing Guy? What Hellsing Character Are You? What Anime Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality? What Popular Video Game Genre Are You? I am nerdier than 55% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum! I am american cheese!



Internet Archive - A huge library of anything and everything. Books, movies, magazines, games, and more. It is also home of The Wayback Machine!

GifCities - An archive of gifs from around the web by the Internet Archive. Search gifs from all across archived webpages. Some gifs even link directly to the website they came from. I like to use this to not only find gifs, but to also browse the web archives.

Marginalia Search - A different way to search the web. A DIY search engine that shifts focus from commercial websites, to smaller/indie sites.

The Geocities Gallery - An archive of old Geocities pages, sorted into their respective neighbourhoods. It's a fun rabbit hole to go down.

The Fanlistings Network - Browse tons of fanlistings to join, sorted into all kinds of categories.

Fun and Fan Sites

Halloween Radio - Listen to Halloween music for free, year round, with 5 different options for listening.

BUCK-TICK Zone - A fansite for the band BUCK-TICK. Features an archive of all things BUCK-TICK related including lyrics, old web icons, rare music, info on the band and it's members, and so much more. Plus, it's still active!

Hellsing Website - An archive of the official website for the original Hellsing anime!

Puzzle - use any image on your device and make it into a puzzle for free. Play by yourself or with your friends!

Frantic Fanfic - A fun game my friends and I play often. You write fanfiction together, it's kinda like Gartic Phone.

GuessThe.Game - Like Wordle, but with video games. Guess based on screenshots. There is a whole archive of past days to play.