Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Hellsing Ultimate, Resident Evil 4, The Mandalorian

It's been a while since I've last updated. My bad. I got completely distracted. I just finished watching an anime and it might be my new favourite anime. Hellsing Ultimate. It was super good. I have so many emotions about it. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind dark themes. It's only 10 episodes long, which makes me sad because I need more.

It's about vampires and stuff. I am not very good at explaining things and I also don't want to spoil anything, but I just really really loved it. My two favourite characters were Alucard and Pip Bernadotte. I think that they're both super cool (and super hot LOL) but all of the protagonists are amazing to me. It makes me want to watch more anime with vampires in it but I don't think anything will measure up. I already watch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Dio is a vampire, and I have been meaning to watch Castlevania too. Alucard will probably always be my favourite anime vampire though.

I also really love the music that is featured in the anime. I am listing to a song from it right now. It's called Shinto Shite by Suilen. It gets me pretty emotional because of when the song plays in the anime, but it's just so good. Another song I love is Magnolia by Suilen. I actually knew that song before watching the anime, and it was how I first learned of the anime, but I didn't decide to watch it until a few days ago because someone on Tumblr reblogged some art of the characters and I thought they all looked super cool. I didn't know a single thing about it before watching it and I think that helped with my enjoyment. I am trying to get my one friend to watch this anime too because I need someone to talk about it with and I think they will love it. I hope that they watch it soon.

Other than the anime, I can't think of much else that I have done. Before I watched the anime I watched Glass Onion, which was amazing, and Ed Wood. That was the biopic directed by Tim Burton. It was great. It had me more interested in the life of Bela Lugosi though. He seems like he had an interesting life.

I just cannot stop thinking about Hellsing Ultimate though. The fandom seems pretty small though, and most fanfiction is for Alucard. I'm not complaining about that, but I also really like Pip Bernadotte just as much, if not more. He reminds me of my favourite character from Jojo, Joseph Joestar. I really need to get back into Jojo. I don't actually watch a lot of anime. I might just be really picky about it, a lot of them seem like they will not be that interesting. If I can find more anime like Hellsing Ultimate then I will be happy.

It's almost the end of February. It's the last day of February in fact. A lot of cool things are releasing in March if I am remembering correctly. Resident Evil 4 remake is the thing I have my eyes on. That releases on March 24th. I am so excited for that one, and I get to finally play Resident Evil 4. It is a lot of people's favourite Resident Evil game and I hope it does the original justice. I won't know if it does personally, but I trust the opinion of others. I just hope I don't like it better than Resident Evil Village. Another thing that is coming out in March is the new season of The Mandalorian. I am so so so excited for that. It is my favourite show on Disney Plus. I cannot wait to see what happens. I hope Luke Skywalker makes another appearance. I am wondering if any fan favourite characters are also going to be appearing? Do you think that Han Solo could show up? Maybe Lando? Who knows. Maybe a character that I don't know anything about will show up. There are tons of Star Wars shows I haven't really watched, but a lot of them take place in the prequel era, so you have to wonder who is still alive.

I think that will be it for today from me. I hope everyone has a good day, and go watch Hellsing Ultimate.

Friday, February 24, 2023
Sims 4 Updates and Mods, Potential Site Changes

Happy friday. It's currently the evening and I am watching a Twitch VOD while writing this. I'm watching Hollowtones play Dwarf Fortress. It looks like a really cool game, and I tried to play the classic version of the game earlier because it's free, but I was having trouble seeing what was going on because of how that version looks, and also, I think the zoom was glitched, because it would not zoom. Maybe I will get the Steam version at one point. I am fine with watching VODs for now.

Other than that I have not done much of anything so far today. Maybe I will play some Sims 4 later. I am super excited for the new expansion that's coming out, and the babies update. A bunch of mods will be broken when those things release, so I might have to wait a bit. I might even fully uninstall one mod for a while because of how broken it's bound to be. The Realistic Birth mod by PandaSama. It's a cool mod, but I get annoyed whenever my Sims give birth when I use that mod because of how long it takes. Sometimes I'm playing and it will get late, then all of a sudden my pregnant Sim will decide it's time for them to give birth and I have to wait like, 15 minutes or more for them to give birth before I can save and quit.

There's also another mod that I know will be very broken when the update comes around. A certain adult mod that I'm not gonna name directly because it's oh so embarrasing to have, but it's going to be scary broken. I really hope that the upcoming Sims 4 stuff isn't going to be dissapointing. It looks promising but when it comes to Sims 4, don't get your hopes up. Maybe I will make a list of my favourite Sims mods and add it to my site? I have been wanting to repurpose my "funny" section in my website into something else. Maybe it can be for reviews, or links to stuff I enjoy? I could even make a whole separate page for each thing? That would be fun to work on. The only problem with that is I have no idea what the site I made my buttons on was called. Hopefully I will remember. And I have been looking for a way to add a comment function for people to comment on my things. It might be hard to figure out, might be pretty easy. I have no clue.

I would love to share my opinions on things that I play, watch, or listen to, because clearly I have a lot to say about a lot of things.

I don't really have much else to talk about tonight, so I'll end it here. Hopefully I will actually play something tonight instead of getting distracted like I always do.

Thursday, February 23, 2023
Podcasts, Physical Media, The Library

So, I missed yesterday. This wouldn't be the first time I got completely distracted by PowerWash Simulator. Though, it's not like anyone is excitedly waiting for me to post on here. I wonder how people get views? I am not sure. It's not that I care that much anyways. I just think it's cool to have a little website that I made on my own, that's the main reason why I made this in the first place. Though I do have to wonder another thing, how do people make friends through Neocities? If anyone knows, I would love to be let in on that information.

What happened yesterday though. Well, like I said earlier, I played PowerWash Simulator mostly. I listened to a podcast while playing it too. My Brother, My Brother and Me is probably my favourite podcast to listen to. I've been a fan of theirs for a long time now. Probably since I was 15 or 16. I still find the McElroys to be very entertaining and funny. I also listened to the first half of the first episode of their new campaign in The Adventure Zone. I have never actually really listened to their first campaign because I have trouble focusing on it. Hopefully I can find more time to listen to this one so I can follow along. I do have their first graphic novel for The Adventure Zone. I am hoping to get the others eventually. If I ever get the chance to go to the mall maybe they will be there.

Speaking of the mall, I went to my local mall recently to go see M3GAN in the theaters, and the movie store was gone! I'm not going to name it because I think they are local to my area, but the location in the mall that's usually next to a GameStop is gone. I was so sad to see it was no longer there. I got so many movies from there, and I even always wanted to work there too. My favourite thing I got from there was probably my Blu-ray box set of Batman: The Animated Series. I got that for my 21st birthday last year and it is one of my favourite things that I own. There is another store to buy movies from in the mall, but i really loved that store a lot. I wish more people would buy physical movies so all the stores that supply them can stay in business. I would go to those stores more but I don't have a driver's license and I can't go to the mall whenever I want. Physical media is always the best. I do enjoy streaming movies and tv shows and music, but nothing is better than having your own copy of your favourite movie, tv show, or having a cd collection for your favourite band. I feel better knowing that I can give them some cd sales, because the money they get from Spotify is not a lot apparently.

Another thing I love to do is go to the library. It's only a short walk from my house and it's nice to have somewhere to go. Sadly, it is still too cold and snowy outside for me to walk to the library yet, but when the weather gets warm, I'm going to go as often as I can. I need to exercise anyway. I also love going to the convenience store and the thrift store after my trip to the library too. I don't have a lot of money so it's nice to get some new clothes or anything cool that might be at the store, plus it's a local place and all proceeds go to charity. The last thing I got from the thrift store was some movies. I got the first 6 Star Wars movies on dvd in a box set, and a really nice copy of Moulin Rouge. The copies of Star Wars that I got are the first release of the original trilogy on dvd, ever. I think it's super cool to have. I don't know how rare it is, but it's special to me.

But back to the library, I really like it there, but they don't really have much of anything from my favourite author, Clive Barker. They only have Books of Blood vol 1. It is a really good book that I recommend to anyone who likes horror, but I wish my library had The Hellbound Heart or Cabal, or even the other volumes of Books of Blood. I even wish that my library had more horror novels in general. They have Stephen King and Dean Koontz, but I want Clive Barker books the most. I'd even settle for more Neil Gaiman, but they don't seem to have much of him either. Maybe I will have to look into some other genres too. One of my favourite books that I read last year was Death Troopers by Joel Schreiber. It's a Star Wars book, but it's a horror novel. It's pretty much a zombie book but I really love using Star Wars as a base for novels. If there's a book that's both horror and Star Wars, I'm reading it. I also finished reading The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells last year too. I really loved it. I still have a bunch of other H.G. Wells books to read. That reminds me, I can't recall there being any classic horror novels at my library. I must check right now.

It doesn't look like it's at my local library. I will have to put it on hold when the spring comes around. The library also got a new website. it's a little hard to navigate though. I am seeing a lot of stuff that's for kids, and I don't know how normal that is and I don't know why that could be.

I think I have talked about enough for one day. I hope to have something to talk about tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Firefox Solved(?), Job Hunting Stress, Video Game Talk

So it turns out that if I turn off my bookmarks bar in Firefox, that fixes things and now my website looks how it's supposed to. I found that out last night right after posting my first entry. it also turns out that I haven't finished editing my site because all of the links in my writing section opened in my iframe, so I had to fix that too. And I had a migraine so I ended up not doing any of the gaming that I said I'd do. Oh well. I can't even remember what I did after that. I think I just looked around at some other websites and got started on a new piece of art. I will be sure to post that when I'm done with it. Also, I got my first follower! If you are reading this, you know who you are. Hello!

Nothing much happened today though. I am unemployed and have been for so long, I don't think that I will ever be able to get a job. It's scary, because what am I going to do? I have the worst possible combination of mental issues, so unless I can get a job from home, or I can work freelance somehow, I'm screwed. At least learning html is a new skill. If I learn it well enough, maybe I can add it to my resume.

I mean, I know how to do a lot of things, but I have no idea how to network or how to put myself out there. I can edit videos, I can do digital art, I can edit photos, I can kinda do this html stuff, so how can I use those skills?

Anyways, I was just watching some gameplay of that new game, Hi-Fi Rush. It looks so good. Sadly, I don't have an Xbox or a good enough computer to be able to play it. I guess one reason I want to get a job is so I can get either a decent computer, or an Xbox.

A lot of my favourite game franchises are becoming Xbox exclusive since Bethesda became part of Xbox. I am a huge fan of Fallout, and The Outer Worlds, but I won't be able to play those. It makes me so sad. I hate console exclusive titles. They're so annoying. The only upcoming RPG that I have left to look forward to for the time being is Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, and that's development hell. And there's also the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic remake that's happening, but I have no clue what is even going on with that. I really hope that they don't screw that one up, same with VTMB2.

There are a few games that I am looking forward to though. The remake of Resident Evil 4. I am so excited about that. I would have played the original but I cannot play with those controls. I have the same problem with the Silent Hill games and apparently Silent Hill is getting a remake soon too. I got into Resident Evil in 2021 because of Resident Evil Village, and I have played that game so much. It has got to be one of my favourite games of all time. I know it like the back of my hand. The main protagonist, Ethan Winters, might just be my favourite character of all time. But if not that, then he is totally my favourite Resident Evil character, followed by Leon Kennedy of course. Speaking of, I have not managed to finish playing Resident Evil 2. I have the remake but I seem to be not very good at it, and also very scared of Mr. X. I am not good at sneaking around in video games, and I don't want to deal with him chasing me the entire time when there's other enemies around too.

I had no idea that this was going to be so long. I didn't know that I had so much to talk about. I can even still think of more things I want to say but I worry this will become too much. Plus, what if I say so much here, that I have nothing to talk about tomorrow? So I should end this here. I hope that whoever is reading this has a good day/evening/night, and thank you for actually reading. Bye bye!

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